What's On? |
During the Week
Our Sunday morning service starts at 10am and generally runs through to 12pm. We join together in worship and sharing of the word. We then encourage people to stick around and enjoy some fellowship over a hot drink.
Check out this month's newsletter for other upcoming events.
Check out this month's newsletter for other upcoming events.
MondayIntercessors Prayer Meeting
10 am at Church Youth
6:30 pm |
TuesdayAll Seasons Woman
9:30 am at Church Music Team Meeting
7-9 pm at Church |
WednesdayMainly Music
10.30 am at The Station, $3 Combined Connect Group
7:30 pm at 633 Leeston & Lake RD |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
SundaySunday Service
10.00 am Prayer Meeting
7:00 pm at Church |
How it all began
In early 1966 during the charismatic renewal, a number of Presbyterian Methodist and Anglican people were touched – this started weekly bible studies until a decision was made to form their own church and Ps Barclay and Jo Miller arrived to establish what was known as the Ellesmere Revival Fellowship. On 8th September 1974 they held their first service in the Leeston Community Centre. Fifty-five people were present. The hunger and love for the word and a love of the Spirit and worship were marking characteristics of the church in those early days. Overcrowding within a year caused the services to be moved to the Leeston Primary School Hall where it remained until late 1984.In 1983 the Ellesmere Hardware Building was purchased for $80,000. It took 9 months of volunteer work in alterations and additions before the first service was held there in April 1984, after which time the church changed it’s name to Leeston New Life Centre, and is where we still currently meet.
In Nov 2007 the church purchased the old Wrightson’s seed and grain building across the road with which they did extensive renovations, to provide a multi-purpose building with a commercial kitchen and indoor sports area. This was purchased because of the growing youth programme in the church and large numbers of youth attending. After two years of planning, building consents, and numerous working bees, this tireless task was eventually finished and is a testimony to the vision and passion of this church. The “Station” as it is known was finally opened on 21-22 November 2009.
In Nov 2007 the church purchased the old Wrightson’s seed and grain building across the road with which they did extensive renovations, to provide a multi-purpose building with a commercial kitchen and indoor sports area. This was purchased because of the growing youth programme in the church and large numbers of youth attending. After two years of planning, building consents, and numerous working bees, this tireless task was eventually finished and is a testimony to the vision and passion of this church. The “Station” as it is known was finally opened on 21-22 November 2009.